Mengambil URL Gambar Pertama dari Posting

Versi PHP

function get_first_image_url($data, $default_url = null) {

* Matched with ...
* ----------------
* [1]. `![alt text](IMAGE URL)`
* [2]. `![alt text](IMAGE URL "optional title")`
* ... and the single-quoted version of them
if(preg_match_all('#\!\[.*?\]\(([^\s]+?)( +([\'"]).*?\3)?\)#', $data, $matches)) {
return $matches[1][0];

* Matched with ...
* ----------------
* [1]. `<img src="IMAGE URL">`
* [2]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL">`
* [3]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar">`
* [4]. `<img src="IMAGE URL"/>`
* [5]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL"/>`
* [6]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar"/>`
* [7]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" />`
* [8]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL" />`
* [9]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar" />`
* ... and the uppercased version of them, and the single-quoted version of them
if(preg_match_all('#<img .*?src=([\'"])([^\'"]+?)\1.*? *\/?>#i', $data, $matches)) {
return $matches[2][0];

return $default_url; // Default image URL if nothing matched


<img src="<?php echo get_first_image_url($page['content'], 'img/no-image.png'); ?>">

$page['content'] cuma contoh. Anda harus mengambilnya dari konten posting Anda sesuai dengan API pada CMS yang Anda pakai.

Versi JavaScript

function getFirstImageURL(data, noImage) {

* Matched with ...
* ----------------
* [1]. `![alt text](IMAGE URL)`
* [2]. `![alt text](IMAGE URL "optional title")`
* ... and the single-quoted version of them
var matches = /\!\[.*?\]\(([^\s]+?)( +[\'"].*?[\'"])?\)/.exec(data);
return matches ? matches[1] : noImage;

* Matched with ...
* ----------------
* [1]. `<img src="IMAGE URL">`
* [2]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL">`
* [3]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar">`
* [4]. `<img src="IMAGE URL"/>`
* [5]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL"/>`
* [6]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar"/>`
* [7]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" />`
* [8]. `<img foo="bar" src="IMAGE URL" />`
* [9]. `<img src="IMAGE URL" foo="bar" />`
* ... and the uppercased version of them, and the single-quoted version of them
matches = /<img .*?src=[\'"]([^\'"]+?)[\'"].*? *\/?>/i.exec(data);
return matches ? matches[1] : noImage;



var img = '<img src="' + getFirstImageURL(sourceText, 'img/no-image.png') + '">';

sourceText cuma contoh. Anda harus mengambilnya dari konten posting Anda, misalnya dengan cara ini:

var sourceText = document.querySelector('.post-body').innerHTML;

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