Parser JSON untuk Blogger · Posting dan Halaman Statis

Berikut adalah generalisasi fungsi untuk mengubah data JSON posting dan halaman statis Blogger menjadi markup HTML sesuai dengan keinginan. Di sini Saya membagi fungsinya menjadi dua macam yaitu generatePostsData untuk menangani posting dan halaman dalam bentuk daftar dan generatePostData untuk menangani posting dan halaman dalam bentuk tunggal:

Bentuk Daftar

function generatePostsData(json) {

// Poor configuration settings, develop them yourself!
var config = {
containerID: 'result-container', // Container ID to show the generated data
avatarSize: 50, // Default avatar size
text: {
anon: 'Anonymous',
untagged: 'Untagged',
monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']

var html = "",
item = "",
w = window,
d = document,
feed = json.feed,
container = d.getElementById(config.containerID),
postTotal = +feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t, // The post/page feeds' total (all)
postStartIndex = +feed.openSearch$startIndex.$t, // The post/page feeds' start index
postPerPage = +feed.openSearch$itemsPerPage.$t, // The post/page feeds' max results per page or per feed request
blogID = /\:blog-?(\d+)(\.|$)/.exec($t) ? /\:blog-?(\d+)(\.|$)/.exec($t)[1] : false, // The blog ID
blogTitle = feed.title.$t, // The post/page feeds' title
blogTags = false, // The available post/page tags (all)
blogSubTitle = feed.subtitle.$t, // The post/page feeds' subtitle
blogAuthorName =[0].name ?[0].name.$t : config.text.anon, // The blog/post author name
blogAuthorAvatar =[0].gd$image.src.replace(/\/s\d+(\-c)?\//, '/s' + config.avatarSize + '-c/'), // The blog/post author profile avatar URL
blogGeneratorName = feed.generator.$t, // The blog generator name (Blogger)
blogGeneratorURL = feed.generator.uri; // The blog generator URL (

// Remove the leading `http://` or `https://` in blog/post author profile avatar URL
// blogAuthorAvatar = blogAuthorAvatar.replace(/^https?\:/, "");

// No container found
if (!container) {
alert('Container not found.');

// Getting the blog tags
if (feed.category && feed.category.length) {
blogTags = [];
for (var h = 0, hen = feed.category.length; h < hen; ++h) {
// Sort the blog tags alphabetically
blogTags = blogTags.sort();

// No posts/pages yet
if (!feed.entry || feed.entry.length === 0) {
container.innerHTML = '<p>No posts/pages yet.</p>';

// Building the markup ...
html += '<h1>' + blogTitle + '</h1>';
html += '<h2>' + blogSubTitle + '</h2>';
html += '<p><b>Blog ID:</b> ' + blogID + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Blog Tags:</b> ' + (blogTags !== false ? blogTags.join(', ') : config.text.untagged) + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Blog Author Name:</b> ' + blogAuthorName + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Blog Author Avatar URL:</b> ' + blogAuthorAvatar + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Total Posts:</b> ' + postTotal + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Posts Per Page:</b> ' + postPerPage + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Posts Start Index:</b> ' + postStartIndex + '</p>';
html += '<hr>';
html += '<ol>';

var posts = feed.entry;

for (var i = 0, ien = posts.length; i < ien; ++i) {

var post = posts[i], // A single post/page object
postID =$t, // The post/page ID
postPublish = post.published.$t, // The post/page publishing time in ISO format
postUpdate = post.updated.$t, // The post/page updating time in ISO format
postDate = postPublish, // The post/page publishing time in human-readable format
postURL = false, // The post/page URL
postTags = false, // The post/page tags
postCommentTotal = post.thr$total ? +post.thr$total.$t : 0, // The post/page comments total
postCommentFeedURL = false, // The post/page comments feed URL
postThumbnail =$thumbnail ?$thumbnail.url : config.noThumbnail, // The post/page thumbnail
postAuthorName =[0].name ?[0].name.$t : config.text.anon, // The post/page author name
postAuthorURL =[0].uri ?[0].uri.$t : false, // The post/page author profile URL
postAuthorAvatar =[0].gd$image.src.replace(/\/s\d+(\-c)?\//, '/s' + config.avatarSize + '-c/'), // The post/page author profile avatar URL
postTitle = post.title.$t, // The post/page title
postContent = post.content ? post.content.$t : post.summary.$t.replace(/<br *\/?>|[\s]+/gi, ' ').replace(/<.*?>|[<>]/g, ""), // The post/page content
postEditURL = false; // The post/page edit URL

// Generate human-readable post/page date format
var date = postDate.split('T')[0].split('-');
postDate = date[2] + ' ' + config.text.monthNames[(+date[1]) - 1] + ' ' + date[0];

// Remove the leading `http://` or `https://` in post/page thumbnail URL
// postThumbnail = postThumbnail.replace(/^https?\:/, "");

// Remove the leading `http://` or `https://` in post/page author profile avatar URL
// postAuthorAvatar = postAuthorAvatar.replace(/^https?\:/, "");

for (var j = 0, jen =; j < jen; ++j) {
item =[j];
if (item.rel == 'self') {
// Getting the original post/page ID
postID = item.href.split('/').pop();
// Getting the post/page edit URL
postEditURL = item.href.replace(/\/feeds\/(\d+)\/(post|page)s?\/(default|summary)\/(\d+)/, '/$2-edit.g?blogID=$1&$2ID=$4');
// Getting the post/page URL
if (item.rel == 'alternate') {
postURL = item.href;
// Getting the post/page comment feed URL
if (item.rel == 'replies' && item.type == 'application/atom+xml') {
postCommentFeedURL = item.href;

// Trying to get the external image URL from post/page content
if (post.content && postThumbnail == config.noThumbnail) {
var image = /<img +(.*?)src=(['"])([^'"]+?)(['"])(.*?) *\/?>/i.exec(post.content.$t);
postThumbnail = image && image[3] ? image[3] : config.noThumbnail;

// Getting the post/page tags
if (post.category && post.category.length) {
postTags = [];
for (var k = 0, ken = post.category.length; k < ken; ++k) {
// Sort the post/page tags alphabetically
postTags = postTags.sort();

// Building the markup ...
html += '<li>';
html += '<p><b>ID:</b> ' + postID + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Publish:</b> ' + postPublish + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Update:</b> ' + postUpdate + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Date:</b> ' + postDate + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>URL:</b> ' + postURL + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Tags:</b> ' + (postTags !== false ? postTags.join(', ') : config.text.untagged) + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Comment Total:</b> ' + postCommentTotal + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Comment Feed URL:</b> ' + postCommentFeedURL + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Thumbnail:</b> ' + postThumbnail + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Author:</b> ' + postAuthorName + '</p>';
html += postAuthorURL !== false ? '<p><b>Author URL:</b> ' + postAuthorURL + '</p>' : "";
html += '<p><b>Author Avatar URL:</b> ' + postAuthorAvatar + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Edit URL:</b> ' + postEditURL + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Title:</b> ' + postTitle + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Content:</b></p>';
html += '<div>' + postContent + '</div>';
html += '</li>';


// Building the markup ...
html += '</ol>';

// Show the generated data to the container ...
container.innerHTML = html;



Urutannya dimulai dari penulisan HTML untuk menampung data yang akan digenerasikan oleh fungsi di atas, dilanjutkan dengan memasukkan fungsi di atas ke dalam tag <script>, lalu memanggil data JSON dengan menggunakan nilai parameter URL callback berupa generatePostsData, sesuai dengan nama fungsi di atas:

<div id="result-container">Loading&hellip;</div>
function generatePostsData(json) { … }
<script src="//"></script>

Lihat Demo

Bentuk Tunggal

function generatePostData(json) {

// Poor configuration settings, develop them yourself!
var config = {
containerID: 'result-container', // Container ID to show the generated data
avatarSize: 50, // Default avatar size
text: {
anon: 'Anonymous',
untagged: 'Untagged',
monthNames: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']

var html = "",
item = "",
w = window,
d = document,
container = d.getElementById(config.containerID);

// No container found
if (!container) {
alert('Container not found.');

var post = json.entry, // The post/page object
postID =$t, // The post/page ID
postPublish = post.published.$t, // The post/page publishing time in ISO format
postUpdate = post.updated.$t, // The post/page updating time in ISO format
postDate = postPublish, // The post/page publishing time in human-readable format
postURL = false, // The post/page URL
postTags = false, // The post/page tags
postCommentTotal = post.thr$total ? +post.thr$total.$t : 0, // The post/page comments total
postCommentFeedURL = false, // The post/page comments feed URL
postThumbnail =$thumbnail ?$thumbnail.url : config.noThumbnail, // The post/page thumbnail
postAuthorName =[0].name ?[0].name.$t : config.text.anon, // The post/page author name
postAuthorURL =[0].uri ?[0].uri.$t : false, // The post/page author profile URL
postAuthorAvatar =[0].gd$image.src.replace(/\/s\d+(\-c)?\//, '/s' + config.avatarSize + '-c/'), // The post/page author profile avatar URL
postTitle = post.title.$t, // The post/page title
postContent = post.content ? post.content.$t : post.summary.$t.replace(/<br *\/?>|[\s]+/gi, ' ').replace(/<.*?>|[<>]/g, ""), // The post/page content
postEditURL = false; // The post/page edit URL

// Generate human-readable post/page date format
var date = postDate.split('T')[0].split('-');
postDate = date[2] + ' ' + config.text.monthNames[(+date[1]) - 1] + ' ' + date[0];

// Remove the leading `http://` or `https://` in post/page thumbnail URL
// postThumbnail = postThumbnail.replace(/^https?\:/, "");

// Remove the leading `http://` or `https://` in post/page author profile avatar URL
// postAuthorAvatar = postAuthorAvatar.replace(/^https?\:/, "");

for (var j = 0, jen =; j < jen; ++j) {
item =[j];
if (item.rel == 'self') {
// Getting the original post/page ID
postID = item.href.split('/').pop();
// Getting the post/page edit URL
postEditURL = item.href.replace(/\/feeds\/(\d+)\/(post|page)s?\/(default|summary)\/(\d+)/, '/$2-edit.g?blogID=$1&$2ID=$4');
// Getting the post/page URL
if (item.rel == 'alternate') {
postURL = item.href;
// Getting the post/page comment feed URL
if (item.rel == 'replies' && item.type == 'application/atom+xml') {
postCommentFeedURL = item.href;

// Trying to get the external image URL from post/page content
if (post.content && postThumbnail == config.noThumbnail) {
var image = /<img +(.*?)src=(['"])([^'"]+?)(['"])(.*?) *\/?>/i.exec(post.content.$t);
postThumbnail = image && image[3] ? image[3] : config.noThumbnail;

// Getting the post/page tags
if (post.category && post.category.length) {
postTags = [];
for (var k = 0, ken = post.category.length; k < ken; ++k) {
// Sort the post/page tags alphabetically
postTags = postTags.sort();

// Building the markup ...
html += '<li>';
html += '<p><b>ID:</b> ' + postID + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Publish:</b> ' + postPublish + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Update:</b> ' + postUpdate + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Date:</b> ' + postDate + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>URL:</b> ' + postURL + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Tags:</b> ' + (postTags !== false ? postTags.join(', ') : config.text.untagged) + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Comment Total:</b> ' + postCommentTotal + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Comment Feed URL:</b> ' + postCommentFeedURL + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Thumbnail:</b> ' + postThumbnail + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Author:</b> ' + postAuthorName + '</p>';
html += postAuthorURL !== false ? '<p><b>Author URL:</b> ' + postAuthorURL + '</p>' : "";
html += '<p><b>Author Avatar URL:</b> ' + postAuthorAvatar + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Edit URL:</b> ' + postEditURL + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Title:</b> ' + postTitle + '</p>';
html += '<p><b>Content:</b></p>';
html += '<div>' + postContent + '</div>';
html += '</li>';

// Building the markup ...
html += '</ol>';

// Show the generated data to the container ...
container.innerHTML = html;



Sisipkan ID posting/halaman statis setelah path default atau summary:

<div id="result-container">Loading&hellip;</div>
function generatePostData(json) { … }
<script src="//"></script>

Lihat Demo


Halaman Statis

Data halaman statis dapat dipanggil dengan menggunakan format URL seperti ini:

Mode Ringkas

Mode ringkas dapat dipanggil dengan menggunakan format URL seperti ini:

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